Supercharged News

See a story that really resonates? We've added one-click content creation directly from your newsletter.

🔋Feeling Energized: Aaron and I just got back from an incredible week-long intensive facilitated by Higher Ground Labs (HGL). We ended the week with a tech showcase that truly felt like our debut as an organization. We're grateful to HGL for their support, guidance, and resources, and we’re excited to continue building this thing with you. You can watch our pitch here.

📰 Supercharged News: Over the weekend, we pushed an update that significantly improves our daily newsletter and in-app curated news stories. We’re now surfacing more relevant stories, and we’re prioritizing news about your targets of interest and geographies.

See a story that really resonates? We've added one-click content creation directly from your newsletter.

🔜 In the Pipeline: We’re currently working on multi-user access, so you can seamlessly share your campaigns with a broader team – be it co-workers, contractors, or agencies.

Ready to try Chorus AI? Sign up here to schedule a demo and learn more about the product.

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