I Love My Yankees Fitted

In our scrappy industry of nonprofits and campaigns, a lot of us wear many hats.

I wear a lot of hats. Sure it’s a little corny, but I love my navy blue New York Yankees fitted. If I’m going outside it’s my go-to option (sometimes inside, too, for a Zoom call on a bad hair day). But, it’s not the only hat I wear. I have my Stüssy bucket hat when I’m going for more of that skater look, I have my dri-fit hats for working out, and I even “borrow” my fiancé’s beret on occasion because it pairs nicely with slacks and a sweater. 

Apologies for the extended metaphor, but as a follicly-challenged person, I really love hats. And in our scrappy industry of nonprofits and campaigns, a lot of us wear many hats. In a half day, I’ve had to:

  • Reach out to a potential candidate I thought was good for the job
  • Prepare a briefing for my staff on Covid, Vote by Mail, and the capacity of the USPS as it related to our Get-Out-The-Vote strategy
  • Write and distribute a petition to millions of members
  • Put together a grant proposal worth hundreds of thousands of dollars

I’m betting a lot of you reading this email have had similar experiences.

And yet, so many of the software products available to us force us into only wearing a single hat. So you end up switching between software that’s only for major donor prospecting, only for public relations, etc. At Chorus, we think that this over-separation is one of the key causes of the product and tool overload that exists in the nonprofit and campaign industries. Instead of saving you time and making your life easier, it wastes your time switching between different programs and systems.

How does Chorus AI solve this problem?

We’re building a product that’s taking the overabundance of information in the world, and

  1. Curating it down to exactly the information that you need to know and take action on.
  2. Enabling you to take action on that information in any way you need to.

We already support turning the news into content to mobilize your audience, but we’re learning there’s so much more, from talent acquisition to business development. We’re working on adding new ways to communicate with your different audiences and would love your support. Take this survey and help us inform our content-creation roadmap.


Sneak Peek: Upcoming Feature Enhancements

In the coming weeks, we are rolling out two significant feature updates, aiming for completion by the end of February:


Our upcoming Briefings feature will change how you manage news consumption. This enhancement allows for viewing news spanning multiple days and bookmarking articles for later reading. You can also incorporate articles from external sources just by pasting in a link.

This feature introduces a multi-select tool, enabling the creation of custom briefings. These can include summaries, bias assessments, and tags for each article. You'll have the ability to organize articles, insert section headers, and customize your briefing to align with your or your audience's preferences.

News Source Filtering

To better tailor your news feed, we're introducing more control over the sources that appear in your daily media digest. If you prefer to avoid content from certain publishers, you can now exclude them from your feed.

Looking for news from only specific sources? We're implementing a feature that allows you to create custom groups of trusted news sources, ensuring you receive news that matters to you.

We are also broadening our news coverage by adding sources from 28 new countries and languages, enhancing your global news perspective.

Joining our Early Access Program

As a reminder, we’ve now ended our Free Beta phase, and we're excited to welcome up to 30 Early Access customers. 

As part of the Early Access program, you’ll get:

  • below-market pricing for 3 months,
  • unlimited access to Chorus with no limitations on the number of campaigns, content created, or users, and
  • you'll be part of our inner circle. We'll be checking in with you daily to get your feedback on what's working, what features you want to see, and what changes you'd make. Then we'll make those changes right away.

Spaces are limited and filling up fast, so if you’re interested in learning more about Early Access, fill out this form, and we’ll set up a call.

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