We Can’t Read Minds

Our goal is to deliver you a hyper-personalized newsletter that’s an invaluable part of your morning ritual.

First Name,


We can’t read your mind. And while that’s probably a very good thing, it does make our job challenging. Our goal is to deliver you a hyper-personalized newsletter with every important story and an actionable summary that’s an invaluable part of your morning ritual. While from day one Chorus AITM has understood your campaign, program, or organization well, it’s difficult to get you the exact right news out of the thousands of daily articles out there.

Well, last week, we launched a new feature that gets us one step closer to delivering you the perfect newsletter. Don’t worry, it doesn’t involve mind reading.

We’ve officially implemented a thumbs up or down system to our daily news feature. There’s a lot going on under the hood, but here’s what you need to know: rate articles as relevant or irrelevant to what you’re looking for. And as you rate more content, your daily personalized news will improve dramatically. 


Interested in setting up your own daily newsletter or have some additional questions? Fill out this interest form, and we’ll get you set up with Chorus!



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